Sunday, December 1, 2013

Dear "littleleia".....

It's been a while,  really been a while not be able to post anything here.......

I just kept myself busy, se-busy2nya. Don't ask why......

Cause, i just don't want and don't dare to think.

I just miss her alot. Only Allah knows.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Doa ibu sentiasa buatMu, anak2ku.

Bukan mudah untuk menjadi ibu dan bapa,
Sebagai ibu, ku berdoa agar anak2ku menjadi insan yang berguna,
Ku berdoa agar anak2ku ditakdirkan berjaya,
Walau aku lalai dan gagal dalam mendidiknya,
Dan walau 'dia' bukanlah yg terbaik untuk dicontohinya,
Ku memohon padaMu Ya Allah agar bantulah aku mencorak amanah2 ini menjadi penyeri disana,
Hanya padaMu Ya Allah tempat ku bermohon.......

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

7 Ramadhan 1434H / 16 July 2013

Yesterday, first day Mama tak puasa since pregnant for this time. Huhu. But Alhamdulillah mabuk still under controlled. Just masa woke up last morning feels a bit dizzy and terus tertidur sampai xsedar. Huhu. Sedar2 dah kul10+, tu pun sbb lapar. Then sbb tu semalam terus rosak plan nak puasa complete sebulan. Huhu. Tp xpe, as long baby Mama sihat. Mama don't mind to qada' the puasa, inshaaAllah. :) Dulu kakak Leia punya pun Mama ganti sikit2. Hehe.

Alhamdulillah semalam check up with Doc Zarul kat Pmc (tempat kakak Leia lahir dulu), everything is good. Baby Mama dah 5w 6d. Alhamdulillah. And next check up is on 6th August 2013 before raya. InshaaAllah :)

My 2nd "jelly bean". InshaaAllah. Moga dipelihara dan dilindungi oleh Mu, Ya Allah. Moga anakku diberi kesihatan yang baik, kesempurnaan mental dan fizikal dan dipermudahkan kelahirannya. Aamiin. :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Alhamdulillah :)

Assalamualaikum. ....

Alhamdulillah,  syukur pada Allah swt atas rezeki yang dikurniakanNya. Syukur I'm already 5weeks on pregnancy.  Syukur Ya Allah. :')

Ku mohon padaMu, Ya Allah. Pelihara dan lindungilah kandunganku sehingga tiba waktu utk ku melahirkannya. Permudahkanlah urusanku Ya Allah dan Engkau berikanlah bayi dalam kandunganku ini kesihatan yang baik, kesempurnaan mental dan fizikal serta keberkatanMu agar menjadi insan yang sentiasa berada dijalanMu dan RasulMu. Aamiin.

Terima kasih Allah. I'm feels so happy and greatful. Moga dipelihara dan berkati. Aamiin. :')

Btw, it's really been a while to update my blog ni. Huhu. Been very busy with our part time job . 12amstudio. Hehe. Syukur dgn rezeki yang Allah bagi. :)

Alhamdulillah,  event Tempatan Fest 2.0 yang 12amstudio joined on last 29th and 30th june 2013 at dataran ddec, jalan kia peng is went very well. It is nice and great experienced for us as a newbie on this local brand clothing industries actually. Thank you trust in our products to be published to public. Tqsm.

And Alhamdulillah juga, we already bought a few new manchandise for ease our production works in future. Alhamdulillah. :))

Moga limpahan rezeki dariMu ini membawa kebahagiaan dan keberkatan dunia akhirat buat kami sekeluarga dan moga Engkau peliharalah sifat kami agar sentiasa humble, more amal to You and always thankful to You, Ya Allah. Aamiin.

Last but not least, syukur kita berkesempatan menunaikan ibadah puasa bg tahun 2013 / 1434 H. Salam Ramadhan Al - Mubarak ;)

As Salam.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

37 progress

Ahamdulillah, last two weeks we went to home exhibition at midvalley and bought two remote control ceiling fan with affordable price. Alhamdulillah im love it. ;)

Today we also went to home exhibition,  which is homedec at klcc and bought another 3 normal ceiling fans for rooms. And also we bought 20pcs of downlights that can covered all ceiling up stairs and down stairs,  inshaaAllah.  And what the most happier is I get the downlights only for RM 7.50 each. Huhu. Alhamdulillah.  So affordable.  Can't wait for the hand over key time. Ya Allah please help us to make things easier and smoothly. Aamiin. :)


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Politik dan facebook

I hate the most if it is about isu aib mengaibkan nih. It was remind me to someone yang pernah mengaibkan myself. I hate it! And my answer is simple...... Jawablah korang kat akhirat nanti. Nauzubillah.

Hmm, Ok, this entry is actually about the political issue in our country skrg ni and the election is around the corner, on 5th of may 2013. Right now ramai pulak yang taksub macamana tah ngan politic and suka share mcm2 kat facebook. Most annoying part is when they like to aib kan each other. Dgn video lucah la apa editing la. MashaAllah. Mengucap pepanjang.

I will not touch about the political issue, I'm not one of the voters either. But actually i wish to be a voter, next penggal maybe, inshaaAllah.

Ok, about the aib and penyebaran info2 ni.....x baik kita menyebarkan berita tentang orang lain yang kita tak pasti kesahihannya, lagi2 pasal aib2 kan orang.

Allah swt berfirman ;

“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jika datang kepadamu orang fasik membawa suatu berita, maka periksalah dengan teliti, agar kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah kepada suatu kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya yang menyebabkan kamu menyesal atas perbuatanmu itu”. [Al Hujurat : 6]

Maksud ayat tersebut, Allah melarang hamba-hambanya yang beriman berjalan mengikut desas-desus. Allah menyuruh kaum mukminin memastikan kebenaran berita yang sampai kepada mereka. Tidak semua berita yang disampaikan itu benar, dan juga tidak semua berita yang diucapkan itu sesuai dengan fakta. musuh-musuh sentiasa mengambil kesempatan mengenakan kita. Maka wajib lah untuk kita selalu waspada, hingga kita mengetahui orang yang hendak menyebarkan berita yang tidak benar. WaAllahualam.
*source; google

Jadi, jagalah mulut jagalah hati jagalah jiwa dan jagalah anggota. Jangan mengata orang, jangan mengaibkan orang, tak kisah awak dah mintak maaf sekali pun kat orang tu,  sekali dah jadi belum tentu akan terpadam peristiwa itu. Jadi jangan buat sesuatu yang boleh membuatkan kamu menyesal suatu hari nanti.

Dan pepatah orang tua2...

Telajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata badan binasa. Kerana pulut santan binasa, kerana mulut badan binasa.

Byk kerosakan akan berlaku disebabkan mulut dan berita2 pengaiban ni. Waspadalah ketika berkata-kata. Mulut mmg sedap bercakap, tangan mmg sedap menaip tapi awaslah, jangan tambahkan saham dosa di akhirat kelak. Nauzubillah.

Pesan Mama: Ingatlah wahai anakku, jangan sesekali  menyakitkan hati orang kerana sekiranya kamu dah mohon maaf pun belum tentu kesannya akan hilang dan biarlah orang buat kita, jangan kita buat orang.

And kalau ada diantara kawan2 kita yang pernah buat macam tu, baiklah avoid dari orang tu sebelum macam2 lagi jadi. Mencegah lagi baik dari mengubati.

Moga anak Mama jadi insan berguna dunia akhirat dan yang boleh dicontohi oleh orang lain. Aamiin Ya Rabbal Al - Aamiin......

As always, Mama loves you! :)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Papa outstation

Papa balik today, yeaaay!! :))

P/s: jom ajak Papa pi mamam burger color turquoise kat hartamas jom leia. Ngee!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Rindu Papa

Mama and Leia rindu PAPA!! Huhuhu.....

Papa outstation 3days and will be back tomorrow.....rindu sangat!

Leia semalam balik jek nak masuk rumah bagi salam...
Asekummmm(assalamualaikum) intu (bukak pintu).

Mama bukak pintu tp papa xde.

Pastu dgn sndrnya leia cakap....
Leia: Ehh, pa ak de (tak de)?

Huhuhu....rindu sgt la tu...kenalah mama explain.

Pagi tadi bangun pagi panggil Papa.....

Leia: papa...papa...Maaaa, papa ane (mana) ma?
Mama: Papa work la Leia. Papa outstation 3days...
Leia: papa wert (work)? Tidays (3days)?
Mama: yes, papa outstation kat penang.
Leia: papa e-neng (penang) ke?
Mama: ya sayang...papa outstation kat penang. :)
Leia sambil mengomel: papa wert (work) laaa...kat e-neng(penang) laaaa.....

Mama senyum tengok perangai Leia...cian dia rindu Papa ye....
And I'm so sure sayang, your Papa must be miss you too. ♥ :)

Monday, April 15, 2013


Baru last week buat entry pasal keek kan? Hehe. Dan harini entry pasal keeker! Keeker ni keek jugak actually tapi baby sitter Leia panggil keeker. Haha. kira macam orang yang berkeek la. And atas desakan orang sekeliling (ecehhh, desakan konon. Lol!) mama has sign up for keek! Finallyyyy, Yeay! 

P/s: kira hati dah terbukak la ni ye? Hewhewhew.....

Tapi tak active lagi. Maybe a couple of days and ada masa nak bervideo nanti adalahhh....inshaAllah.
And as aspect, video si tecik Leia lah will be most of it. Ngee....

InshaAllah. Welcome keek.... ;p

Mengigau di pagi isnin biru

It's a monday. And most of the time working ppl will called it monday blueeeesss.....that's why jadi isnin biru. Lol! Xde kena mengena. ;p

And this morning, ada orang mengigau kat rumah......siapa mengigau? And apa yang di ngigaunya? Huhuhu.....

Sedang mama and papa bersiap nak pi work. 


Leia merengek baru bangun....
Leia: ekkk...ekkk...
Mama and Papa stand by depan Leia nak bg salam and say good morning (as usual) :)

Dan Leia tetiba....

Ekkk...ekkk...nak kopok...nak kopok....
then sleep balik.....

Mama and Papa looking each other and geleng kepala. :)

Pastu Leia bunyik lagi....
Ekkk....ekkk....nak ayam...nak acik....nak ayam....nak acik...

Lol!!! Leia mengigau nak kopok, ayam n nasi!! Haha. Luculah Leia ni....pastu bole pulak continue sleep. Hee.
Love muchuk Leia Myeisha Mama nih! ;)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weekend with dodo!

Dodo the dolphin. Leia's new float / pool toy. A 2nd birthday pressie from aunts najwa hana , melly and titi fashada. Hee. Tq aunties. Much ♥ for you guys!! Muah! ;)

And today is sunday and its weekend, let's swim with your dodo, leia myeisha! Yeay!

And Alhamdulillah,  now leia's feet can reach the swimming pool's floor and she can poise her body in the water too! Kudos leia!! *clapclap! Later kita belajar swim from papa k. InshaaAllah :D

Friday, April 12, 2013


It comes once a year.....and end on April.....and this is April!
And i feels so.....


to do....
my E-FILING!! Erghhhh!

P/s: saya adalah seorang yang sgt malas mengisi borang ye.....e-filing terlalu banyak soalan utk dijawab. Huhu. Cepatnye setahun......

Dan tapi...... Mama juga selalu menjadi mangsa isi borang tuk Papa jugak. Sobs! Huhuuuu...

Note: e-filing ni penting untuk pekerja declare their income tax. Kalau x isi nanti kena denda. So semalas mana pun kena isi jugak! marilah mengisi e-filing!

Mom-daughter weekend planning conversation

Mama sambil driving and trying to start a conversation with sweet little girl yang tgh termenung sambil main ibu jari kaki and susu....verangan letuuu...hehe.

Mama: Leia...leia...kita nak buat apa ya esok?
Leia: gi umah nenek!
Mama: erk~! Esok weekend la sayang....kita xpergi rumah nenek on weekend. Huhu.
Leia: xgi umah nenek ke Mama?
Mama: yessss, kita pergi rumah nenek weekdays kita nak buat apa esok?
Leia: .............
Mama: esok kita gi swimming pool dgn dodo nak?
Leia: ming pool an dodo? (Swimming pool ngan dodo?)
Mama: aah, nak x? Lepas tu kita pergi ikea lepak-lepak mamam meatball...nak x?
Leia: hmmm, okay Mama....

End conversation. ♡ time flies, leia dah besar dah and we also can talk about our weekend together...huhu. How I'm so grateful to be a mom and watch my little one grow up healthily, good and wise. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for the such a lovely gift. And to had a lovely conversation with my child (s) is a part of my dream. Love you Leia Myeisha! :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mama job!

I'm ex student of interior architecture.

Work as.....

ID Project Coordinator (as stated on my confirmed letter)
People think that I'm an interior decorator
ID student think that I'm interior designer
Contractor think that I'm site supervisor
But the truth is I'm an entertainer for my Client!!

I do the same thing over and over again. I still smiles even i don't like what they like. I still do even i know that i was do that thing last time....i STILL do it! dream job actually not an interior designer nor an entertainer....
I dream to be a successful housewife! other woman out there.....
To raise my children in front of my eyes. To entertain them all the time. To have some breakkie , lunchie and dinner time together with family with my own cook recipes. i wish i can be like that.

Ohh myy,
Ya Allah....perkenankanlah hajatku ini sekiranya ianya baik untuk diriku dan sekelilingku. I know You knows better and i know everything happens with a reason.  InshaaAllah. Aamiin :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Weird waiter

There one weird waiter at kopitiam, a place that i regularly went for lunch almost everyday on weekdays at my office, bukit damansara.

Waiter ni weird sbb selalu tegur Mama pagi2 bila Mama lalu situ or beli breakfast kat kopitiam tu (jarang pun breakfast kat situ sbb mahal. Hehe) . Tp kalau tegur2 senyum2 tu ok lagi. What more weird and awkwardnya, bila time lunch i dunno why dia suka sambut nasi campur Mama then offer nak tolong letak kan kat meja. Thats super weird ok. Xpenah2 waiter gigih nak tolong sambut org beli nasi campur n serve bagai kat meja. Malu kot org tgk. Pastu siap gigih cane tah nak gak amek order air from me. Sanggup pulak xamek order dari org lain dulu. My friends pun tersengih2 kambing. Geli la wei....then xhabis lg tu, bole pulak buat2 tanya wifi bole pakai x? (Sbb i always anti-social bila makan, means ngadap handfon jek ;p) but Halloooo, sape yang keje kat kopitiam tu? Customer lak ditanyanya...., motif sangat....hmmm, adakah perkara ini terjadi disebabkan i doesn't looks like mak org (perasan gile. Hee) or that guy mmg gatai?? Scaryyyy!

Disebabkan ke-weird-an (not a word. ;p ) itu, Mama pun dah jadi awkward gila tahap malas nak breakfast kat situ. Lunch sometimes xdapat dielakkan sbb semua kawan2 nak makan kat situ. And i try to avoid that guy juga dgn buat2 xnampak dia everytime pi makan sana....oh myy, i really need to wear my wedding ring all the time la gini xpun kena dress up like makcik2 sikit or maybe if necessary i need to buncit again. Lol! ( that's not a choice, itu ketentuan Allah. Hehe)

And yesterday pun ada one nigger ni tegur kat mamak (that time tgh dukung leia)...
the nigger: is that ur daughter? 
Me: yes....why? 
The nigger: really?? Not ur sister? (Sambil tersengih 2). Ok that's super annoyed + weirdness and awkward!

Jgn buat lawak bodoh and tanya soalan pelik2 bole x??

Next time i will not answer if stranger ask me soalan pelik2.
That's a lesson too sbb nowadays we can't predict what ppl thinks about us or what they wants from us and lg scary they don't even care pun if we're married or not. Maybe they got their own agenda. We never knows. Lantaklah ppl thinks we sombong pun but its better to be careful. Tp jgnlah sampai selfish and dunno how to bezakan the right things just jgn dilayan org yg pelik2 ni je. Hehe.

P/s: one more thing, ngorat org kat kedai makan ni very the kuno trick skrg xpakai dah that trick. Zaman xberteknologi dulu iya la kot. Xde choice. Lol! Skrgkan mcm2 teknologi ada, try lah kat facebook ke ape ke... Sah2 bole ngorat single mingle and sah2 dapat feedback dr yang tgh mencari.  Not with this kind of trick, ppl will annoyed. Tetibe i feel awkard nak pi makan kat kopitiam tu lagi dah. Haih!


Dunia teknologi skrg macam2. Xyah cakap social network la. Handphone pun laju macam roket berkembang. Tgk jek iphone and samsung, bersepah smart phone dorang. Kejap2 kuar baru, kejap2 baru.  Huhu. Mama pun one of gadget fan tp xde la tahap fanatic. I'm just interest to buy it based on experienced. I'm ex of blackberry user, ex iphone user and ex ipad user (ipad ni skrg hak milik kekal leia. Sobs!) Actually, apa2 pun mama punya at the first day dah jadi leia punya sbb mesti dia yang tentukan...Ni Mama nyer...tu ya nyer... (yang best2 semua jadi dia punya laaa T_T, i redha jee...huhu.) and now I'm note II loyal user. Hikhik. For now kot. Tp very the satisfied of that gadget. Love my note II . ;p

And....i just like another teenager (dulu2 laa skrg dah mak2 orang ;p ) Mama menggila gak ngan social media / network ni. Huhu. Social media ok, teknologi gadget dak lagi masa tu sbb xmampu. Student la katakan. Hehe. Dulu sanggup ni pi cc (cybercafe) semata nak online, xpun sorok2 online kat lab...konon2 sambil buat assignment la tp assignment 30% online 70%. Ohh myy, im so regret it. Sangat buang masa dulu. Huhu. Opss! Contoh tidak baik ni. Nak bersosial bole, tp biarlah berpada. belajar lagi penting, yang lagha tu tolak tepi ok. Hehe.

Ok back to the topic, keek?? Haih! Skrg I'm feels more tua laaa, like mak2 gitu sbb xde feel pulak ngan keek ni. Ape keek ni? Let me explain sbb rasanya post ni pun kan jadi sejarah xlama lagi sbbnya teknologi media social / network ni laju macam roket. Dulu friendster pastu myspace, hi5, tagged, facebook, instagram and blablablaaa.....byk gile. And now keek. Huhu. Yang akan dtg xtau lagi. Budak2 skrg bijak. Ada je idea korang kan. Huhu. Tp tgk je friendster, dah jadi tah pape dah. Tp dulu situ lah tempat borak, testimoni and macam2. Haha! Skrg rasa geli pulak nak bukak. Lol!

And keek ni pulak, i don't have yet...maybe not now or not forever. Entahlaaa...belum terbukak pintu hati nak into that keek thingy. Hehe. Tp keek ni lebih kurang macam instagram katanya...just different type of media social but similar process. Keek more to video thingy. Seems interesting and xsilap dari review kengkawan,  keek ni a few sec. punya video kita record and post like instagram. Kinda cute sbb bole record moment2. Hmm, maybe i will try it someday. Maybeeee....xnak kalah jugek. Lol! Tp selalu kalau Mama record video mesti nak kena 2-3kali sbb mesti ada xjadi. Hee.

So itu lah keek. Nanti kalau Mama rajin Mama buat. Kalau x. Kita tgk video kita personally je la kat umah ye leia....Nanti Mama burn dalam cd buat pekasam. Lolz!

Typical mom

Ohh myy....
Mama perasan one thing today...hee.

I'm a typical mom! Mama perasan the typical mom ni kalau create profile of anything mesti dia punya profile description cani.....

A wife to....
A mother for....
Love my husband and kids.
Love my lil daughter....
Love my cute son...
Love my family. includes on that typical mom.  Hee. But I'm loving it! Kudos all moms out thereee....ehh, xpayahla... hehe.

Anyways,  and again..i can't stop myself to being a typical mom because I'm one of them and i know they love being like that.....

Another words of typical mom...
I love my husband, suhaizam mahmmud and my cute pwincesss, Leia Myeisha. ;)

Moga Allah memberkati keluarga kita sentiasa agar aman bahagia dunia akhirat. Aamiin. :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Mama kena marah. Sobs! Ehh, ke lol? Guguguguuu....

Pagi tadi Mama kena marah ngan Leia.....huhu. why??

Haa...gini...pagi tadi tngan Mama gatal, Mama garu la pastu tengah syok menggaru sambil driving, xsedar diperhatikan oleh si budak tecik ni. Huhu.

Dan tetiba.....

Mama! Mama! (Leia sambil susu).....jangan gatai! Huuuuuh! Biaca iyeee... (biasa dia)

Ohmai! Leia marah Mama menggaru!! Lol!!

And other thing is....leia panggil garu tu gatai. Lol! Dah puas Mama and Papa tegur....gaaaaruuu...bukan gaaatai but still gaaatai la Mama. Huhu.

Cayang yaa Mama ni tau! Muah! ♥

Friday, April 5, 2013

Leia dan Bola Kampung The Movie


Here the story of Leia 1sssstttt Movieeee....and it was sooo Fuiyoooo...Hehe!

Alhamdulillah, on 24th March 2013, Mama and Papa was promise to Leia to bring her for Movie and Leia ni sangatlah into Bola Kampung lately. What a surprise Bola Kampung the Movie ni pulak animasi by Mama punya kawan Shaza Ayez. She was my plkn pal and met again at fb baru-baru ni jugak. Nak dijadikan cerita she was a Lead animator of Animasia (the publisher of Bola Kampung the Movie) huhu. What a coincidence kan? Hehe.

And masa bawak Leia watched the movie...Leia was so focus and menghayati gitu. Hee. Alhamdulillah. Jalan cerita Bola Kampung the movie pun was awesome for kanak-kanak. Good Job Animasia! God Job Shaza! :)

Leia at Cathay Cineplex e@curve's hall ♥

When the Movie started, she was soo this. like this. Hee.
Ni when half of the story...excited sampai bangun tengok. Lol!
Then, when dah habis movie. We treat Leia with Tutti Frutti. Leia loves Tutti Frutti. :))
p/s: All photos taken by Mama's lovely Note II and edited from Mama's Instagram @iidasani or can find hashtag #leiamyeisha . ♥

Leia Myeisha turning two


on 31st March 2013, baby mama and papa dah masuk 2tahun. Yeayaaa!!! And syukur Alhamdulillah kerana kurniakan pada mama anak yang menjadi sumber inspirasi mama dan menggembirakan mama and papa each day till now. Syukur. Love you Leia! :)

And for this 2nd birthday, mama and papa has prepared surprised elmo party for Leia. And the theme actually chose by you, Leia!! Huhu.

Flash back while we are in a car and mama asked you, what do you want for your birthday Leia?
Then you answered me, ELMO!!

No matter la, if you just saying sayang...Mama will do everything we could, as long it would make you happy. :)

And sepanjang preparations elmo birthday tu, xyah cakap la....asal nampak je mama buat apa, mesti Leia tanya.....

Leia: wat pe tu?? Eemoo ke?

Then bila mama jawab....Ehh, rahsialaaaa.....

Leia buat muka senyum2 pastu cakap...haha, ya auuuu (tau)...eeemoo kan? Eemoo kan??

Lol! Leia soo funny and mama soo loves you sayang... :)

Then bila sampai your birth day.....
Mama or papa tanya....harini birthday siapa??
Dgn hapy Leia jawab....Bdayyy Yaaa.... ♥
Hee...and we hv planned all the things from a to z...

Here the preparations goes.....
Theme: Elmo + red +orange
Decorations: Mama + Papa
Equipments: 12amstudio
Custom printed Tee(toddler) for Leia: 12amstudio
Custom printed Tee(adults) for Mama + Papa: 12amstudio
Cake + cuppies: 126
Foods: Mama + Papa
Majoriti done by Mama and Papa for you Leia. It is because we loves you so much and everything we do just to make you happy. ♥♡

These are a few photos taken from Mama instagram at your 2nd birthday celebration. :))
Happy 2nd birthday Leia Myeisha!! Alhamdulillah dah masuk 2 dah sayang Mama. Moga membesar dgn sihat, sempurna dan dirahmati Allah ya. Aamiin. We loves you sayang! ♥♥
Leia Myeisha at 1st birthday (310312) & 2nd birthday (310313) ♥
My sweetheart, darling and everything! Leia Myeisha. :)

Front view of Leia's 2nd birthday Candy Buffet. ♥

Leia's 2nd birthday Celebration. I just love this view and photo . Soo berbaloi even penat. Everything for you Leia sayang. Mama just do anything i could to make you happy. :)
Leia dan Mama ♥
Happy birthday Si cantik Mama. :)
Si nomel nomel Mama dgn props. Hehe.

Custom printed mineral water tags. Elmo theme. I know you love it sayang ♥
Leia's crown and cake by 126. Delicious Red velvet cake. Yumss! Even Mama hv a bit frustration of the cake look. But Alhamdulillah, the taste make me smile again. :)
DIY Elmo goodie bags by Mama & Papa . P/s: someone has asked me to do a tutorial. LOL! InshaaAllah if berkesempatan. :)
Overall look of the Candy Bar ♥
Cik nerdy Mama dgn Spec photo props by 12amstudio. Hehe. Presentsss time! Yeay!! Tq semua yang hadir dan bg hadiah ♥♥
Kids yang pandai gayakan props! even xde sape yang ajar, huhu. ♥ semua! Farrel (anak buah auntie Adda), Raeef & Rania (Aunt Syeila's daughter & son) and Kak Dana! ♥
With Nenek Puchong. ♥ nenek sangat2! :)
Family Nenek segambut, Mama Mira, Papa Mie, Kak Dana, Abg Aqief (yang suka  sakat Leia, huhu) and BFF Leia  Afieq (yang tengah busy ngan iPadnya. hee)
Nenek Segambut. ♥ nenek! & Raeef. :)
Family Acik Betty (side Papa) and Mak long (side Papa) ♥
With Mak long (side Mama) ♥
Leia and geng rambut sama. Hee. Kak Auni! ♥
p/s: Mama's instagram: @iidasani or can find hashtag #leiamyeisha #leia2ndbirthday . ♥

Nantikan sambungan gambo lagi ya. Hehe. Maybe entry 2.0?? lol! Kbai. :)

Perasaan malam ini

Frustrated . Confused . Hoping .

Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Engkau mengetahui apa yang tersirat dan tersurat. Bantulah aku Ya Allah. :'(

Monday, March 25, 2013

Leia and hospital kuala lumpur

Assalamualaikum sayangs,

On 20th march 2013, leia had appointments with orthopedic specialist at Hkl. Kat bahagian pediatrik. Wuwuwuwuuu....

Why leia been there? be back to our previous checked up at kkia when leia's 1y9m yo. On that morning, while check up, nurse yg check up leia tu tetibe tgk leia seems walk not properly and she suspect leia got talipes (talipes ni some kind of saraf problem for children or lebih clear that we can see the children legs seems bengkok but it can be recover with doing fisioterapi consistently, inshaaAllah). Pls google it for further info. Then she (the nurse) asked us to go direct check up with doctor there if incase what she's worried is true. Just to double confirm. And when we go see the doctor at the kkia, the doctor says leia looks ok for her (the doctor) but for double triple confirm she still advice us to see a specialist and she had given us the refer letter to make an appointment with orthopedic specialist at Hkl. feeling that time, Allah saja yg tau. It was succesfully spoiled my day. :(

Then at the same day Papa go straight away to Hkl to make an appointment and he gets appointments for leia on 20th March 2013. Tq Papa syg. :)

Then here goes the story what leia doing at her first visit at the orthopedic section Hkl.

2pm- sesampai kami di Hkl, after Papa dapat parking (its not easy to get parking at Hkl ye) huhu. Paling x pun kena parking kat zon no hand break la. And the risk park at no hand break zone is ur car probably will crash with other car while ppl tolak2 utk keluar parking, which mean masa they tolak tu, they dont care pun kalau ur car kissed other car bumper or bonet yg kat zon no hand break tu. So akibatnye kemek la bumper or bonet ur car. Huhu. Tp tu lain cite, hehe. Back to leia's story....

215pm- waiting turn for registration & got about 3ppls lagi.

230pm- dah dapat no. turn kami, then we go straight to bilik pemeriksaan 1-4, pediatrik section tuk tggu di periksa. That time our no. is around 20ppls lagi. Phew! Sabar sabar. While waiting tu, paham2 je la hospitalkan...macamlah perkara nampak. Perkara yang menginsafkan dan membuatkan kita bersyukur dgn kurniaan Allah. Alhamdulillah kita diberi kesihatan mental dan fizikal yang baik. Alhamdulillah.
And that time nak dijadikan cerita, ada one little girl around age primary school ni dtg with her parents, kesian sgt tgk sbb that girl pakai kaki palsu kat kaki sebelah kiri and kaki kanan dia seems normal, i assume she had talipes (the symptoms that I've told earlier). That little girl pakai socks at her short leg and shoe at the other additional leg. MashaAllah. Masa tu mama was berdoa byk2 hopefully leia terpelihara drpd sbrg penyakit and hopefully the nurse prediction is not true. Nauzubillah. But what i was inspired is that little girl looks so cheerful like a normal one even everyone is looked at her and her mother always smile and play with the girl, siap promise jalan2 lagi after check up. They look so sweet. Sgt besar dugaan seorang ibu kan. I dont know if i at their shoe, can i be strong enough to face it? Nauzubillah. Allah knows better. :'(

Then after awhile waiting, at last sampai our turn. We enter to room no2. 
I think that time yg take our case is doctor pelatih....

Doktor pelatih: ye puan? I ada baca letter ni....kita nak check up pada bahagian kaki ya...berapa umur adik ni ya?

Mama: 2years, ujung bulan ni masuk 2years lah doctor.

Doktor pelatih: ok, bole baringkan adik ni kat katil sekejap? Sy nak bt pemeriksaan. Tanggalkan seluar + pampers etc ye...

Mama & Papa: ok.

And Alhamdulillah leia was so behave and blur. Huhu. Coz it was her first time there and dia pun redha je kot. Hehe.
Then the doctor do a minor check up on leia's legs from hip to foot.

The doctor: sy check kedudukan tulang betul, dia pun xsakit. Tp xpe, sy refer pakar sekejap. Kita tengok 2nd opinion.

Mama & papa: ok doctor.

A few minutes later....
Another man doctor came together with doctor td....

The specialist: mari sy check pula....
Dia pun buat check up yang sama macam doctor td buat kat leia and he said same thing like doctor yg mula2 td.

The specialist: sy tgk ok je, xde masalah tapi sekejap lagi my doctor akan keluarkan surat refer utk buat xray. So kita boleh confirmkan situasi sbnr kaki adik ni. Puan & encik ok ke nak xray?

Mama & papa: ok je doctor. As long we know the actual condition.

The doctor: ok, so skrg encik boleh pergi ke bahagian xray di kuar sebelah kanan nanti ya. Lepas tu terus datang ke sini semula.

Mama & papa: ok doctor.

Kami pun terus bawak leia pergi xray. And sekejap je dalam beberapa minit settle. Then we go back to bilik pemeriksaan td....

Lepas tunggu a few minutes and doctor td amek xray film leia utk diteliti. And she came back for the result...
Bedebar jugaklah coz i will never be relax if it is about my loved one Leia Myeisha.....

The doctor: ok puan, struktur kaki lepas xray mmg betul, position pun ok. So puan and encik xperlu datang lagi lah. Sebab xada sebarang masalah...

Dan ketika itu, Mama and Papa as usual non-stop says Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah.....syukur.  terima kasih Ya Allah.... :')
P/s: teringat macam masa leia lahir dulu, lebih kurang gitu la situasinya. Hehe.

And after been thru all these things, Mama hope we don't need to come there again. Aamiin....
And now, we knows that Leia is fine and healthy. Syukur. Tq Allah. :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The upset Mama

Today i was failed again!! I keep telling myself why? why? why i cant do that?! I was failed to control my feelings AGAIN!!. :(

Also today it happen again......the same thing, same problem, same person, same unsolved problem!
This early morning, when i performed my subuh, i was pray to Allah swt. To give me strength to face this same problem. To give me the right ways to solve the problem. To give me peace of mind.  To help me to relax, be positive and rational. To accept all the bad and good deeds. To be more patience. To help me to get what i want. :'(

Dear Allah,
The truth is i was so weak. I was so tired. But i won't give up. Not once. InshaaAllah. And i know You have a better plan for me. Only You, Ya Allah, the One can help me. Only You can change anything as You want. Only You knows the best for us. Only You, Ya Allah.....

And Alhamdulillah for all these kind of feelings., it makes me not to forget You. And always think everythings happen with a reason.

I always remind my to remember! 
Allah swt always there for us. Ask for Him and He will answer you. InshaaAllah. :')

Monday, March 18, 2013

Semalam dalam sejarah

550++ am - leia myeisha: Papa! Papa! Nak tutuuu.... (dgn nada manja n mata bulat segar mintak susu dari Papa - as usual. Hee)
Then papa bangun pi buat susu...
600 ++ am - (sambil azan n mama mamai2) leia myeisha: Mama! Mama! Bangun! Olat! (Mama blur)
Leia myeisha: Mamaaaa.....Mama nak tutu? (Tanya mama nak susu konon2 macam dia nak susu bgn pagi) LOL!

papa bawak susu dengar myeisha tanya gitu kat mama, senyummmm je...hehe.
I love you Leia myeisha sayang! :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sweet escape to Fraser's Hill


This is our story about the memorable place for Papa. A sweet escape to Fraser's Hill atau lebih dikenali dengan kampungnya Papa.....hehe.

Fraser's Hill ni tempat Papa membesar, kat sini lah dia belajar berdikari, belajar bahasa mandarin dan sebagainya...kata pun hometown, tempat membesar and mengenal erti kehidupan lar. ye dak? (haa, lagi satu jangan xtau Papa expert bahasa mandarin, sbb habis semua cina2 yang jumpa dlm lift rumah kita diboraknye dalam bahasa mandarin - Mama lak buat2 paham. hee) Kenapa Papa belajar bahasa mandarin, hang tanya lah Papa hang sendirik, (sebenarnye Mama malas nak cita ;p)

Ok, back to our Fraser's Hill trip...trip ni sebenarnya tak plan pun. Sebab cuti panjang yang besangkut2 masa awal tahun hari tu tetiba macam boring nak dok rumah, we all plan lah ke Fraser's Hill. Sebenarnya Mama dah pernah pergi sini tapi Leia belum pernah lagi. So oklah kan nak pi sana....And actually we are not went there kekita jek, kawan Mama yang kaki jalan pun tetiba nak ikut gak last minute. Hehe. Kak and and family, yang syoknya ada Fong Mei Mei (nama samaran daddy dia bagi. lol! nama xnak kalah!) Sebenarnya nama dia Melati Zaira, kitorang panggil MelMel. Hehe.

Dengan adanya Kak an family especially MelMel, tak de lah Leia boring sangat (tak boring langsung kot) hehe. Mama and Papa plan singgah hari je that day tapi Kak an and family stayed 1 night kat Shahzan inn. And sempat lah kitorang tumpang sat solat and mandi before gerak balik. :)

Banyak jugak aktiviti kitorang haritu, macam naik bot, tunggang kuda, archery dan lelain. nanti kita tengok gambo ye. kbai. ;)

pagi2 dah kena bangun, mandi and gerak naik Fraser's Hill. Tu muka cam xpuas hati jek. lol! Tp seb baik Leia behave  layan Pada lala lulu (Pada zaman dahulu) dia kat handfon Papa. Hehe.
A beautiful scenery at dam. On the way to Fraser's Hill/ Serius nampak tenang. :)
Then sesampai we stopped and break for brunch kat food corner and ni gambo Leia yang sebok nak amek gambo dengan beruk2 kesunyian kat kedai sourvenir kawan Papa kat situ. Hee.
Then after zohor kat surau berhampiran, kitorang teruskan perjalanan ke  Allen's Water and main boat. tapi Mama and Mummy Ann yang lebih. Leia and Melmel tak lepas nak naik sebab kecik lagi. Sorry, next time ye. Hehe.
Then pas naik boat kejap terus ke The Paddock, nak bawak Leia tunggang kuda. Huhu. Ni Leia and Mel main suap2. Soo sweet korang nih. Mama gigit dua2 nanti kang baru tau. :*
Ni pic Papa naik kuda dengan Leia (bersama jiran lama Papa, Pak Daud), pic Mama tok sah tunjuk lah  (angle tah pape je Papa snap. pfft! Tp xpela, Mama ok jek. Nanti Mama tunjuk sendiri kat Leia. Hehe)
Ni on the way nak pi main Archery, Leia and Mel main kejar2. Comel sangat two sweetie Mama nih! :)
Gambo orang main archery xdek, sbb Mama obsessed dengan two little cutie sweetie nih! gambo dorang je lebih. haha.
Then lepas teman Mummy Ann checked in, kitorang mandi and solat semua terus pi lepak makan goreng pisang nad laksa yummy kat area The Paddock. Si comelsss Leia and Mel mamam pisang goreng sesama :)
Leia and Mel comel comel! Nanti dah besar boleh tunjuk gambo nih kat dorang. Hehe. Cute friendship. :)

That's all our journey to Papa's hometown. InshaaAllah we will come back someday. :)

p/s: Btw, all those photos taken from Mama's Instagram @iidasani or can find hashtag #leiamyeisha . ♥



Today Mama MC, not feeling well. I've got mild fever, cough, flu and muscle pain. Seriously, i'm not a person easily took mc. Tapi harini nak buat macamana, bangun2 je badan lenguh2 pastu sleep pulak sipi2 katil jek sebab buah hati Mama si Leia tu dah conquer katil almost 80%. hish hish hish! nasib baik comel. hehe.

Semalam lagi best, tengah sleep waktu subuh, Mama and Papa tak dengar azan tetiba dengar Leia jerit2...Mama! Mama! angun! olat! Lol! terkesima dalam keadaan mamai kejap Mama. Haha! Then Mama and Papa pun bangun solat subuh dulu but Leia elok jek pas kejut Mama sambung sleep. Hee, Gigit dak kecik ni kang. ;p

So, today badan tak sihat im decided to lepaks lepaks dan lepaks je kat rumah. Maybe tengahari baru pi collect mc kat klinik. Lol! Ingat pusat tebus hadiah ka? hehe.

InshaaAllah kalau rajin nak upload pics coti2 Leia haritu. Kalau rajin lah. haha! Okbai. :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Golongan POYO yang Whateveeeeer!

I rasa ni poyo lah! Dulu you dok kondem ape yang orang dok post kat their fb kennnn....(Tp sbnrnye, fb dorang, dorang punye sukalah. PENYEBOK!) then, you siap tulis dalam blog lagik pasal ape yang they post tu, kutuk ngan geng2 tapi skrg I tgk you pulak dok post benda yang sama ngan dorang dulu. Tak malu meh ngata orang? Tu la orang cakap....


Sesuwaaai sangat!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy new year 2013!! Hoyeah!


Alhamdulillah, dapat kita melangkah ke tahun baru 2013. Moga tahun 2013 memberi seribu rahmat kepada kita semua dan lebih diberkati Allah serta di permudahkan urusan.Aamiin.

2012, banyak kenangan yang mendewasakan Mama. 2012 boleh dikatakan tahun paling mencabar pernah Mama lalui. Tahun dugaan. Moga Allah bantu Mama menjadi insan yang lebih berjaya dan dirahmati Allah dunia dan Akhirat. Begitu juga untuk Papa (Suhaizam Mahmmud), Leia Myeisha buah hati Mama and atoks, nenek, enda, family kita semua. Aamiin....

In shaa Allah, tahun 2012 tahun terakhir kita duduk kat Mandy Villa, moga perpindahan tahun dan juga kediaman baru akan memberi kebahagiaan dan kesempurnaan dalam hidup kita sekeluarga. Aamiin.
Mama tak sabar sebenarnya nak pindah rumah. Huhu. Moga dipermudahkan segalanya. :)

Semalam on new year eve 2013, Mama, Leia and Papa sambut sambil tengak fireworks dengan Atok and Nenek. Moga Atok and Nenek diberi kesihatan yang baik, sihat sentiasa dan dipermudahkan kehidupan. Aamiin. Sayang Atok and Nenek foreveeeer! ;)

Salam tahun 2013!! Thank you Allah. :)

New Year eve at Mandy Villa with Atok and Nenek. In shaa Allah, next year sambut kat tempat lain pulak. :))
Pavlova ordered special for New Year eve by Prettylicious Desserts and Events. Yumsss!