Friday, November 25, 2011

My wish.

Today Mama and Leia has follow Papa to the meeting. Hehe. Sibuk je. But Mama so glad that Mama can follow and met one of the powerful women in Architecture industry. Owh, Ya Allah, I wish to be like them someday. InsyaAllah. Amin. Amin. That my wish. Hehe. Next time kita ikut Papa lg nak Leia? :D

P/s: btw, Leia bg hadiah pulak kat aunty tu punya office td. Huhu. Cian my daughter, sakit peyut ye? Hehe. For the auntie. Sorry la i was keeping the Leia's "present" at ur office for 3days without ur acknowledgement, since this monday is a public holiday for awal muharram kan. Huhu. Ampuuuunnnn. Ngee.

Suhaizam Faridah Leia Myeisha
Salam . Mama Leia