what i need?
- don't waste the time.
- learn, learn and learn more.
- get close to Allah.
- happy.
- think positive.
- focus on work.
- calm.
- appreciate the time with family.
- relax.
- get off from people that make me unhappy.
- motivate myself with a good motivation quotes and do'a.
- don't talk to much and especially the empty talk and waste the time.
- love people in my surrounding.
- be nice to people and be rational.
- forget about the past.
InsyaAllah. Amin.
| Doa mohon ketenangan jiwa |
Bismillahirahmanirrahim. Allahumma innii as’aluka nafsan muth-ma-‘innatan, yu’minu biliqaa’ika, wa tardha bi qadhaa-‘ika, wa taqna-‘u bi’athaa’ika.
"Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku memohon kepadaMu jiwa yang tenang, beriman bertemu denganMu, redha terhadap segala ketentuanMu dan menerima sepenuhnya pemberianMu." Amin Yarabbalal-Amin.
Salam . Mama Leia ♥
Salam . Mama Leia ♥